
“The longest journey you will ever take is 18 inches from your head to your heart.”

~Andrew Bennett

Are you seeking change but having trouble determining the what, the how, or sticking with it on your own?

It is often challenging to see our reflections accurately with compassion for ourselves and initiate change on our own. We are made to be interdependent, and I would love to help you through your struggle.

Art & Soul Counseling seeks to walk alongside those who desire to take the inner journey to improve their relationships with themselves and their loved ones. On the journey from the head to the heart; life, light, and vitality is the discoverable reward in every person. This soul work is the determining factor of mental and physical health and well-being and it is my delight to see you realize your dream to be your best self. You are the one who can change to improve your relationships and your health. Therapy can speed up the process of change. I strive to a high standard of excellence. I will provide trained support, a listening and attuned ear, perspective, and approaches that can get you on your way to freedom and empower you to live your best life.

You will learn ways to build self-awareness, self-knowledge, and self-care that will bring about the change you seek and give you satisfaction with your life, no matter your circumstances. By building emotional awareness, you can transform your fear, anxiety, depression, physical pain, mood, lack of focus, isolation, poor choices, trauma, sadness, conflict, defensiveness, stress, insecurities, and anger into joy, gratitude, and love.

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

~Albert Einstein

Our Team

Rachael Maly, LPC, ATR, CYT

Licensed Professional Counselor/Registered Art Therapist/Certified Yoga Teacher

Rachael Maly believes we are more than our physical appearance and our thoughts and that the whole person – mind, body, & spirit – cannot be separated. As such, she considers herself to be a holistic psychotherapist. Art Therapy is a direct avenue toward healing and wholeness. Yoga is a similar process that brings the awareness we need to heal. Rachael mixes these processes and other holistic avenues with traditional methods and holistic methods, according to needs, to promote self –acceptance and self-compassion while helping you to achieve your goals.

Rachael has a background working with children, teens, young adults, adults, elderly, and veterans. She started making art with her grandmother from the time she can remember and now is passionate about creating abstract acrylics, oils, and mixed media. Rachael has pursued art as the main thread of her career in addition to education, and psychology. Rachael’s journey through spiritual development and a variety of life experiences have been upheld through creativity. She has found profound healing and deep self-care using the arts. She has a passion for helping people and is committed to personal growth and development in order to live out her purpose to the best of her ability. No journey is solo and she has so much gratitude to family and friends, new and old, who have supported her.

“There is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.”

~Vincent Van Gogh
